Saturday, October 2, 2010

A "morning" post

Its 5 minutes to 3.30pm now.
And I just woke up awhile ago.


I was just told from my mother that she was going  to
throw away my primary school examination papers.

I went out to scavenge the pile of papers,
and there I found my English test paper


It was in the essay section with the title,
"If I were given 3 wishes, I would wish for........"



Excitedly, I quickly flipped the paper to the next page
to see what were my 3 wishes back then
during my childhood days.


What I read made me cringe in 
embarrassment !

My first wish was,
that I had a lot of money.... so that :
1.  I can buy a huge house for my parents.
2.  Save some for myself.
3.  Donations to the poor.
4.  Buy a car for my father.
5.  Buy a playstation.

My second wish was,
that I had a pet.....
and I wrote,
'My pet would probably be a dog because I like dogs.
When it gives birth, I would keep it and not give any to my neigbours.'

As for the 3rd and last wish,
I wrote,
'My third wish is that I would have a lot of food.
I wish for that because I am always hungry.'


To be honest, 
I don't remember writing any of that.
My 3 wishes now are so completely different from
how it was  back then.


But somehow, I still thought it was rather cute.


I also had a minor heart attack to see
how my primary school looked now.

I got these pictures from the internet.
I have not seen my school for  7 years.


This was something like
 how it looked like before I left.

and after.....


I'm jealous !
It was not as renovated and nice the last time
when I was schooling there. 


Gtg now. Byeee ^^

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