okay... its been awhile since i last blogged
lets get to the juice !
dramas in 5 siantan !!!!
well if u have read val's blog which is a 101% true about the facts....
i'm just here to add in about what i think....
to all ppl who reads our blogs.... PLEASE
do not bad mouth us if u don't know the truth.
don't ask my friend to"fcuk off" because YOU don't know the truth!
i can't believe that some of u are actually are falling for HER crocodile tears !
she has been a liar since i first knew her in form1 and i even heard from her old classmates in primary that she HAD ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT!
but silly me.... i trust ppl too easily and this is what i had to go through when i trusted her again this year
~trusting the person again and forgive-ness
some ppl never do learn do they?
she was unrepentant from what i can see because she's running around telling ppl that our blog posts are full of shits and even wanted to report our blogs to the police
i mean cmon....WHAT THE HELL?
this blog is my expression in what i see in things...MY story from what i experienced first hand
my class are separated into 2big cliques
and i only oppose ONE person in that clique...the others...
i don't have anything against them... i will continue !!! (ITS GONNA RAIN...DAMN!) ~TILL THEN......
continuation ....
ok.... i've lost the mood to say anymore about this person...
like VAL'S blog said
"the blog's not to insult...its to warn ppl." we've been through the pain
we knew what it was like to be "THE BEST FRIEND"
so just warning ppl out there to "watch your back"
now i'm gonna blog about my church's 25 anniversary
all the practices in church......all paid well
the anniversary was a blast.let the pictures (which are not many as i was performing) speak the events that took place.
.errrr well as i was an indian dancer(its unlike me) but its for the church so i don't mind
well i lost balance a lil on stage but it was fine
at least i manage to pull it off in a way...balancing is not my thing
cuz I'M TALL !!!!
arrhhhh sleepy....will continue next time.....
why your friend valerie doesnt allow ppl to leave comments ? Scared we reveal her real identity ?
do you think valerie is such a good friend ?
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