Wednesday, November 4, 2009

special post for friday's photography class ( cuz i just got pictures) >_<

-The "photographers"-

This post is meant for last Friday's post
on the photography class...

( I just obtained pictures in facebook )

Credits to Chia Hou ;)

- All from his camera -

The females were asked to be models for this week.
So bring in the females ^^

Leong sesat xD
(he wanted to be the model at first)

- Danialle -

- Jeannie - =3

- Chiew Yean -

- Mart -

- Me -

The male modeling would be this week.
definitely gonna be more photos ^^
and i might bring the SLR camera i borrowed too.

Hopefully i would be able to understand the class better.
yeaaa ^^ lost and confused no more.

another blog post coming right up =)
(I'm blogging on the same day)

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